K-Pop Slang Words Every Newbie Fan Should Know

If you are a new fan, you could get confused reading unfamiliar terms in a review article or a k-pop news article. The comment section beneath all K-Pop videos is full of comments with these terms. Confusing as they are, these terms are the pillar of the community. They are a must-know between K-Pop and K-Drama fans. Korean Expressions for Ultimate Fans 1. Bae: means husband in Korean, and it is usually used by K-pop fans jokingly when talking about their favourite idol member or their favourite actor who they love. 2. Sang-Namja: means a real man and it is usually used to refer to a strong guy, many times a person with wide shoulders is referred to using Sangnamaja 3. Daesang: The biggest award an actor could get for stunningly presenting his role in the drama. 4. Sunbae: A Senior on the job 5. Hoobae: A Junior schoolmate or colleague 6. Second Lead Syndrome: When a fan watched a drama with two great actors and he or she are unable to root for the first male...