BeetBits: Clean With Passion For Now Review

Clean With Passion starring Yoon Kyun Sang and Kim Yoo Jung is a romantic comedy Korean drama that is based on a webcomic with the same title published Via The drama aired on JTBC a cable channel in Korea that is well-known for choosing unique scripts. It did not gain very high ratings compared to other dramas. However, I am sure people who did watch the show enjoyed it. For international viewers, this Korean drama is available on Netflix, Viki and Viu.

Story and Writing

The drama starts with a male lead who suffers from OCD and a germ phobia, having a male lead who is not totally "oh charming and handsome" is the charming point of this drama. He owns a cleaning company despite his faults. He is charming and a hard worker, he can sometimes be annoying as well. The drama also has a lot of funny moments where you crack up laughing because the logic behind everything is beyond you. The initial meeting between the male lead and the female lead is in itself too comic to watch without cracking.
The female lead Gil Oh-Sol is the total opposite of the male lead, she doesn't mind getting dirty. She starts working in a part-time job in Jang Seon-Kyul's company, and he tries his best to avoid her as she is a germ house in his mind, but somehow she is hard to avoid.

 Characters and Actors

Although the comedy in the drama is a charming point, it is not the only point beside the romance. The background story behind the main male lead is touching and true to many people. If you are a person who ever went through a bad experience of any sort, you can relate to the main guy. Additionally, the heroine is far from the typical heroine, she is not weak or a crybaby, she is strong physically and mentally. She even has her moments where she is more dependable than the male lead. The drama got to a rather typical story-line during the last couple of episodes, but that also was solved spectacularly, leaving you completely and utterly satisfied. Also, the little bits you get to know about every side character in the story is exciting and intriguing. I am ready to watch another drama with just the side characters of this one and their stories.

 Overall Rating 

Finally, this drama is well-paced with barely any frame for unneeded scenes or events that make you cringe. If you like unique shows, it does have that bit of uniqueness you might love. Furthermore, the actors did a fantastic job portraying the characters. Overall Rating for this drama for me is 8/10. 


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