BeetBits: Descendants of The Suns Review

I am late to the party, I know, but it 's nothing new for me. I tend to search for the unpopular stuff rather than the popular ones, so I tend to watch trending dramas later. Anyway, I started this drama like two weeks ago and finally managed to finish it today. I can say that I know why it created such a buzz when it was aired. 

The story of Descendants of The Sun 

Story-wise descendants of The Sun has a lot of unique aspects. A love story between a doctor and a soldier is not original, but the way the story is handled is. It is not a love story in the middle of a war, nor is the doctor an army doctor. It is a love story between two ordinary human beings who just happens to be an army soldier and a doctor. I personally love that the writer managed to explore all the aspects of 2 of the most important professions in our world. Prominently, the dilemma of the personal life of a soldier and how his job affects more than just him. Love in this drama is beyond hanging out together in cafes, movie dates, and day to day fights.

The side characters are also amongst the distinctive aspects of this show. This drama does not just focus on one couple. There is a back story for everyone, and that's novel and exceptional. Scenes that involve the family and the lovers of the side characters are actually amongst the most refined scenes in the show. The scene where the nurse is worried about the older doctor on the team was brilliant. She hits him upon discovering that he knew he was fine, and that made me crack up in the middle of a tense situation. 

The Direction of Descendants of The Sun

The sets and the directions of this drama are cleverly done. Although I am not familiar with Korea, I know that Uruk is not even a real country and thus, the scenes in the other country were, in fact, filmed in Korea. Samtan Art Mine located in Jeongseon-gu is one of the few locations I managed to find upon searching for the sets of this drama. The brilliance of this drama lies in the fact that you believe 100% that it is a foreign country. However, a lot of the scenes were filmed in Korea. I can't help but feel wowed with the director and his staff who hunted these places. 

The Actors of Descendants of The Sun

I can see why The Descendants of The Sun cast were nominated in tons of awards when this drama aired. The acting is simply top-notch. Song Jung Ki did a fantastic job acting like a soldier. Given that this was directly after his discharge from the military, he probably benefited a lot from the timing. Song Hye Kyo was perfect as a doctor, and there is a scene where she had to choose who to save amongst two patients, it was pure sadness. Of course, the chemistry was spectacular as well, but that is obvious since they got Best Couple Awards afterwards, and the audience nicknamed them SonSon couple. 

The OSTs of Descendants of The Sun 

Descendants of The Sun songs are amongst the top songs I ever heard in a drama. I usually don't try to discuss OSTs in dramas as I tend to enjoy everything. However, the level of OSTs in this drama is excellent. I enjoyed " You Are My Everything" By Gummy, the best and the next on my list is "Heart Break" followed by "Every Time". The soundtracks of this drama were mostly melancholic with a hint of romance. You just feel your heart get squeezed while listening. You feel touched and slightly tear up whenever the track starts in the most touching moment. Moreover, the tracks were not overused, even though they are, in fact, a lot. 

Overall Rating 

Finally, I can easily give this drama a 9/10 rating. It does contain some overdone action scenes and some imaginative plot twists, but it also includes a lot of good points as discussed before, so I won't rate it lower for any cons. 

If you are interested in this drama, you can watch Descendants of The Sun on Viki and Netflix. It is also available on Amazon Prime. The soundtracks are all available on Spotify as well, so you should check them out when you have time.


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