Korean Dramas Ironic Cliches

Kdrama Cliches

This is a different article from what I used to write. There is no research needed this time because this is all about what I learned throughout the past 10 years watching Kdramas. 

If you are an avid fan of Kdrama like me, you probably noticed these patterns in Kdrama.

1. The White Truck of Doom 

When someone dies in an accident in Kdrama, it is amazing how one truck seems to be the cause all the time. Whether the driver was drunk, it was a planned accident, or simply an unfortunate incident, this truck is just a truck of Doom. It is the source of many memes online to the point that it is starting to affect the seriousness of accident scenes for me. 😸

2. She Tripped So We Hugged and Kissed

Romcoms have these patterns that you can't miss, including back hugs, love triangles, handsome childhood sweetheart comeback, etc. The one pattern you know will happen at the start of a relationship is the trip and hug scenario. She tripped, so to prevent her from falling, we hugged! Or he tripped, then .. Drumroll .. we kissed. 

3. Fevers are Serious!!

When the male lead or the female lead is sick, they usually faint from fevers all the time. It is like fevers exist to send the female lead to the male lead's house. Apparently, fever reduction medicines are not something you can get yourself; your lover needs to get them! 

4. Dirt-Poor With an Expensive Handphone 

The rich man, poor woman scenario is one of the most popular Kdrama scenarios that helped the Hallyu wave start. One of the most popular cliches in this scenario is the handphone the poor woman usually carries. Apparently, you can be dirt poor yet a picky tech nerd with the latest Samsung model. 

5. Product Placement 

It is not a cliche but a fact all Kdrama fans are aware of. Suddenly, the female lead is wearing perfume in the middle of the events, and the camera stays on the brand name for a few seconds. It seems like something you could miss, but then again, you won't if it keeps happening. Nowadays, product placement is not obvious as before; however, there was a time where you could notice an ad in the middle of the drama all of a sudden. 

6. Drink All You Want! You are Getting Piggybacked Home!

Even getting drunk can be romantic in Kdramas! You are not a mess when drunk, you are actually cuter, and now it is time for you to get on the lead's back. Enjoy a piggyback ride home, sweetheart, and maybe you can confess on the way. 

Now, you know all the Kdrama cliches I know of. Do you have anything else in mind? Type a Kdrama cliche you always see below and let's start a conversation together. 


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