BeetBits: Descendants of The Suns Review

I am late to the party, I know, but it 's nothing new for me. I tend to search for the unpopular stuff rather than the popular ones, so I tend to watch trending dramas later. Anyway, I started this drama like two weeks ago and finally managed to finish it today. I can say that I know why it created such a buzz when it was aired. The story of Descendants of The Sun Story-wise descendants of The Sun has a lot of unique aspects. A love story between a doctor and a soldier is not original, but the way the story is handled is. It is not a love story in the middle of a war, nor is the doctor an army doctor. It is a love story between two ordinary human beings who just happens to be an army soldier and a doctor. I personally love that the writer managed to explore all the aspects of 2 of the most important professions in our world. Prominently, the dilemma of the personal life of a soldier and how his job affects more than just him. Love in this drama is bey...