
Showing posts from September, 2019

BeetBits: Descendants of The Suns Review

I am late to the party, I know, but it 's nothing new for me. I tend to search for the unpopular stuff rather than the popular ones, so I tend to watch trending dramas later. Anyway, I started this drama like two weeks ago and finally managed to finish it today. I can say that I know why it created such a buzz when it was aired.  The story of Descendants of The Sun  Story-wise descendants of The Sun has a lot of unique aspects. A love story between a doctor and a soldier is not original, but the way the story is handled is. It is not a love story in the middle of a war, nor is the doctor an army doctor. It is a love story between two ordinary human beings who just happens to be an army soldier and a doctor. I personally love that the writer managed to explore all the aspects of 2 of the most important professions in our world. Prominently, the dilemma of the personal life of a soldier and how his job affects more than just him. Love in this drama is bey...

BeetBits Review: The Judgement

This week's review is exceptional because it is a drama that is not a romantic comedy of any sort. Honesty, I am glad I managed to find this drama. The Judgement is a 2018 Thai drama starring  Mild Lapassalan, Kacha Nontanun, Thanabordee Jaiyen,  and  Nara Thepnupha . It discusses very heavy themes like cyber-bullying, rape, gang rape and power abuse. It is an 18+ drama, so if you are not 18 yet, please don't watch this drama. It is not for you.  Story  This drama discusses a series of disasters that happen to a group of college students starting from the female lead, who goes through a horrible experience, to her friends, who go through similar situations. The female lead is a person who is loved by her dad and her stepmom. Her father ends up in a coma after an accident, and she is betrayed by the one person she thought she could trust, her boyfriend. She ends up getting raped by her boyfriend while unconscious and the story unfolds from the...

8 Legal Youtube Channels to Watch Asian Dramas

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a fan of legal streaming. I would rather not get tons of adds or inappropriate content on my PC just because I opted for the free alternatives. However, it is also true that nobody is rich enough to have a subscription everywhere to watch what they love, so that's kind of where you feel stuck in the middle. As long as I have the money, I tend to pay for what I watch. However, let's say I am broke one month or 10. I can't just stop watching Asian drama for that long, What to do? I have my list of free Asian drama channels to watch in such cases, and most of them get regularly updated. Best Youtube Channels to Watch Asian Dramas 1.  KBS World  This is probably the most popular channel between drama fans with all the Korean family dramas you might want to check out. Also, there is a variety of classic dramas and mini-series as well. I watch the Korean variety show Hello Counselor regularly here. I also watched famous drama...

Actor Scope: George Hu

This guy is a gem!  Ehm .. sorry still in fangirl mood  ๐Ÿ˜‰. Anyway, this time we will discuss the leading roles of this handsome actor above. George Hu is a New York-born Taiwanese actor who got talent scouted while visiting his family in Taiwan. He started his career after college and went from not knowing Taiwanese to fully mastering the language and showing some spectacular acting in his roles. Personally, I got to know him only recently as I never watched Taiwanese shows before, but I have to say one drama was enough to view the rest.  Best George Hu Dramas 1. Love Cheque Charge (2014) My first show for this actor was Love Cheque Charge, a drama with a very catchy summary. He plays the role of a guy who somehow ends up delivering a message from a ghost to his past lover. The message ends up causing him trouble, and he signs a cheque that he will marry that lover if she is not wedded by 30. The two meet agai...

Reading Bee: 4 Yu-Gi-Oh Fanfictions You Should Read

Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-Gi-Oh is a part of my childhood that I always revisit. Even though there are still a lot of seasons on-going till now, it is just not like the original. Since I am a fan of the original series, just rewatching is not enough, and it's not like the sky will rain new episodes or new movies. To get over my nostalgia, I usually check some of the  popular fanfiction websites  for a story or two that I can read. Although I read tons of stories, the following four  recommended Yu-Gi-Oh stories  are the top of the top, and If you are a fan, you must read them. 1- Safeguard By X-Parrot If you have read my previous  fanfiction recommendations for One Piece , you probably remember this author. He does a fantastic job writing One Piece, and now after reading his Yu-Gi-Oh fanfictions as well, he sure has a knack for writing. This story appears as a tragedy from its summary, however, read it if you wish to see the best adventure stor...

BeetBits Review: Jealousy Incarnate

Story This drama holds the key to what you could say the ultimate recipe for comedy, romance and work-life shows. The story starts with a weather announcer searching for a way to become a real-time news announcer. She has a dream, and she is striving hard to reach it to a rather pitiful point. You know these interns that we all petty in K-dramas, she is a lot like them, doing the odd jobs and all. The main lead is also an oddball in his own way. He is charismatic and obviously good at his job, but from the first episode, we get that he was thrown away to another country as a reporter for some reason. We then get to see him encountering a rare disease and fighting with it in his own humorous way.  The Actors Jo Jung Suk  He is the leading man of this drama, and he sure did a perfect job acting like an arrogant reporter. His character starts off as the epitome of these bad boys we see in all dramas, but then we discover that he is, in fact, a pe...